TeleHealth or telemedicine is our term for medicine or health consulting done over a distance, and it is our friend in these times of physical distancing.

Join me in May 2020 for a limited time offer:

Listen & Lift Sessions: $40 for 30 minutes phone or video session.

In Listen & Lift Sessions: We will address stress, pain & tension, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, overwhelm. In the 3o Minute Listen & Lift Sessions we will use guided imagery, acupressure, and Qi Gong breathwork to shift and uplift your overall energy.

For regular length sessions I am available for phone consultations via FaceTime and video sessions via Zoom for Qi Gong session, or to consult on herbal, dietary, or relaxation practice.

Sessions will be 30-55 minutes, and range in cost depending on what we need to cover. Herbal orders placed without a consultation are only available for active patients who have been seen within the last year.

For New Patients: Please Email me at to request a TeleHealth session so we can discuss how I can best support you.

For current patients: Simply contact me via text, email or phone to inquire about setting up an appointment, or to place an herbal order. If you have herbs from me already and want to get my opinion on what to use, send me a text of what you have and I’ll let you know if what you have works, or if you should add something else.

Make an appointment